
My name is Jérémy, but everyone calls me Jee (/dʒɛ/ or /dʒiː/). I’m a self-taught web developer driven by curiosity living in Elsass (France).

I am also a daily GNU/Linux user which shaped my approach to technology but also my commitment to the open source community.

In 2020 I made the conscious choice to turn my passion for coding into a profession. The digital landscape fascinated me, and I saw an opportunity to make a meaningful impact by creating secure and user-friendly websites and applications.

When I’m not coding, I like to go hiking and look after the plants I’m trying to help grow. It’s my way of staying creative and keeping a balance in life.

Check out my resume to learn more about.

I would love to hear from you and connect! Whether you have a project in mind, want to discuss web development or just want to say hello, feel free to reach out to me via email:

Email: contact@artz.dev

You can also connect with me on:

I’m always open to new opportunities and collaborations, so don’t hesitate to get in touch.

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